Saturday, October 11, 2003

Wonderful town

I have arrived once again in New York town. No matter where you may travel, where you may roam, when it’s time to return, you end up in Queens. Or Newark. Well, as committed readers already know, for me this time it was good old Queens swampland. I bent down to kiss it, like the Pope, but unlike the Pope, I was able to get up again. However, much like the Pope, there was no chance of my getting the Nobel Prize this month. However, unlike the Pope, I wasn’t whining about it.

I could go on and on with a comparison of myself and the Pope, as many have. But there are even more important things to discuss. Mostly, I’m back in town. I need a drink. Check with me later.

by Jack, October 11, 2003 9:53 PM | More from The Damned Human Race

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